

AI - Skincare recommendation App



I’ll showcase the overall process I followed to complete the design exercise, and explain my reasoning and thoughts behind the decisions I made.

I started out with some brainstorming to explore the topic of the design exercise and gather my initial thoughts. I did some competitor research to see how other products were tackling this issue and taking notes of the things I did and didn’t like. Just roughly penning down what features the app would need, what information would need to be shown, and what pieces of content should be in focus.

finding the problem

finding the problem

I have started diving into the skincare industry on an intention to discover the problem space and scenario in which people don’t have great solutions to choose a right skincare product in that particular scenario, so in the course of this exercise, my main focus was to discover and explore the scenario for a skincare recommendation App.

After talking to various people ranging from skincare specialists, salespersons to customers, I came to the conclusion that there is a wide gap in the scenario when people decide to travel or relocate temporarily or permanently to a new city, country or continent, where they are aware of the climatic and weather conditions of that place but there are barely resources who can recommend the right skincare products suitable to them with respect their skin conditions and climate of new place.

Following are insights from explorative User Interviews and insights leading to the basis of problem statement and creation of Persona Archetypes as the next step for UX design process.



After carefully analyzing the insights from user interviews, I realized that I am approaching closer the problem space by clearly defining the archetype personas who could be the potential kinds of people suffering from this problem in the travel scenario with the least idea about skincare products. I will take you through their typical journies or phase they go through while making preparations for travel(before), while traveling and finally after travel. so that we can jot down some opportunities to solve their problems.



Based on main features identified from opportunities and key features extracted, I was able to prioritize main features that I decided to keep in the app based on what users want the problem space I’m trying to solve.

I have stated the initial ideation phase with so many sketches and maing user flows through iterative wireframes

Information Architecture

Information Architecture

Design system guidelines

Design system guidelines

To touch the sensitive and feminine side, I decided to go with the pastel color format with light and pale colors which looks more relevant to this app.

 Not to forget the power of the recommendation system, on an intention to categorize products with different fluid intensities such as LIGHT, MEDIUM, HEAVY moisturizers, face wash, etc; I used different color codes and illustration so that user will

Not to forget the power of the recommendation system, on an intention to categorize products with different fluid intensities such as LIGHT, MEDIUM, HEAVY moisturizers, face wash, etc; I used different color codes and illustration so that user will easily associate every recommendation they see with a tag (representing each category).

User Flow - My Trips

User Flow - My Trips

This is an explorative section where the user can actually check the skincare required either from his home kit, or something he can but before he plans to travel, in planning and preparing luggage, kits for the travel.

User Flow - home kit

User Flow - home kit

This section is used to save already used products in HOME KIT and selected products for travel in travel Kit.

user flow - current trip and skin profile

user flow - current trip and skin profile

This section is useful to a user after she actually visits that place; when the products from the user’s travel kit are about to finish and she needs to look for replacements.

In the skin profile feature, the user uploads her picture regularly into the app for regular analysis of her skin which in turn affects the product suggestions app keeps providing.

User flow - quiz and onboarding

User flow - quiz and onboarding

In this feature, the app asks the user a set of questions to find out what is the nature of skin type user has.For example, it can range from to dry kin to oily or a combination type!
